

Invest-Gate Property Expo serves as a dynamic and immersive platform for developers, creating an extensive showcase of real estate projects from across Egypt. The expo meticulously curates a diverse range of properties to cater to various preferences and needs. This includes:

Residential Properties

From modern apartments and luxurious villas to affordable housing options, potential homeowners can explore a spectrum of residential choices tailored to different lifestyles and preferences.

Administrative Properties

For businesses seeking prime office locations, Invest-Gate Property Expo features administrative spaces designed to meet the evolving needs of companies, providing a conducive environment for productivity and growth.

Commercial Properties

Entrepreneurs and investors looking for retail spaces or commercial ventures can discover a wide array of options, including shops, malls, and other commercial developments.

Clinics and Policlinic Properties

Recognizing the importance of healthcare facilities, the expo showcases clinic spaces to accommodate the growing demand for medical services. This includes spaces suitable for individual practitioners or larger healthcare institutions. This comprehensive real estate expo ensures that attendees have access to a rich portfolio of properties, facilitating informed decision-making and providing a one-stop platform for diverse real estate needs.


Invest-Gate Property Expo goes beyond a traditional real estate exhibition by offering exclusive promotions that add significant value for customers and buyers. These special promotions are strategically designed to:

Exclusive Discounts

Developers participating in the expo provide exclusive discounts on property prices, making investments more appealing and cost-effective for potential buyers.

Flexible Payment Plans

Recognizing the diverse financial capacities of investors, the expo introduces flexible payment plans that ease the financial burden, creating opportunities for a broader range of individuals to participate in the real estate market.

Additional Incentives

In addition to price advantages, developers may offer additional incentives such as waived fees, complimentary services, or unique perks to attract and engage potential investors.

These special promotions not only make real estate more accessible but also create a sense of urgency, encouraging attendees to take advantage of the limited-time opportunities presented at the expo.

Clinics and Policlinic Properties

Recognizing the importance of healthcare facilities, the expo showcases clinic spaces to accommodate the growing demand for medical services. This includes spaces suitable for individual practitioners or larger healthcare institutions. This comprehensive real estate expo ensures that attendees have access to a rich portfolio of properties, facilitating informed decision-making and providing a one-stop platform for diverse real estate needs.


Invest-Gate Property Expo distinguishes itself by incorporating engaging discussions and informative sessions featuring key leaders in the Egyptian real estate market. These sessions are designed to be engaging, informative, and transformative, allowing attendees to:

Gain Valuable Insights

Influential leaders share their wealth of knowledge, offering insights into the current state of the Egyptian real estate market, emerging trends, and future projections.

Understand Investment Strategies

Experts provide practical advice on real estate investment strategies, helping attendees make informed decisions and navigate the complexities of the market.

Explore Future Developments

The talks shed light on upcoming projects, innovations, and regulatory changes, providing a forward-looking perspective that empowers attendees to anticipate and adapt to market shifts.

These sessions elevate the educational value of the expo, transforming it into a knowledge hub where attendees can deepen their understanding of the real estate landscape and make well-informed investment decisions.

Clinics and Policlinic Properties

Recognizing the importance of healthcare facilities, the expo showcases clinic spaces to accommodate the growing demand for medical services. This includes spaces suitable for individual practitioners or larger healthcare institutions. This comprehensive real estate expo ensures that attendees have access to a rich portfolio of properties, facilitating informed decision-making and providing a one-stop platform for diverse real estate needs.



Invest-Gate Property Expo recognizes the importance of a diverse media strategy to maximize reach and engagement. The media plan involves a wide variety of traditional and digital channels, ensuring comprehensive coverage across various platforms. This includes:


Collaborate with prominent real estate influencers to broadcast advertisements, interviews, and promotional content. Visual storytelling on digital mediums provides a powerful medium to showcase the diverse range of real estate projects and generate broad public interest.

Social Media Platforms

Utilize the expansive reach of social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Regular posts, engaging content, and targeted advertisements can create buzz, connect with diverse audiences, and encourage audience interaction.

Dedicated Expo Websites

Establish a dedicated website for the expo, serving as a centralized hub for information. The website can feature details on participating developers, event schedules, speaker profiles, and registration information, providing a comprehensive resource for attendees.


Creating anticipation and excitement before the expo is crucial for building momentum. The pre-event teaser strategy involves:

Social Media Campaigns

Implement teaser campaigns across social media platforms to create a sense of curiosity and anticipation. Teasers can include sneak peeks of featured properties, behind-the-scenes glimpses of event preparations, and countdowns to the expo dates.


Distribute newsletters to a targeted audience, offering exclusive insights into what attendees can expect. Highlight key features, special promotions, and the lineup of keynote speakers to generate interest and encourage pre-event registration.

Press Releases

Issue press releases to major media outlets, announcing key details about the expo. This can include information about notable developers, unique offerings, and any exciting developments leading up to the event.


To maintain audience engagement during the expo days, a dynamic live coverage strategy will be implemented:

Social Media Live Streaming

Conduct live streams on social media platforms, showcasing real-time footage of the expo floor, interviews with developers, and highlights of ongoing activities. This creates an immersive experience for those unable to attend in person.

Interviews with Developers

Conduct live interviews with participating developers to delve into the details of their projects, special promotions, and unique selling points. These interviews provide a personal touch and give potential buyers direct insights from the creators.

Real-Time Updates

Regularly update social media channels with real-time information on special promotions, limited-time offers, and interactive activities. This fosters a sense of urgency and encourages immediate engagement from the audience.



Interactive Showcases

Create interactive showcases within the properties, allowing attendees to visualize themselves in the space. This can include virtual reality demonstrations, model apartments, and multimedia presentations to enhance the tour experience.

Face-to-Face Developer Interactions

Developers or their representatives can be present during the tours to personally interact with potential buyers, addressing questions and providing additional information about the properties.

Interactive Workshops

Invest-Gate Property Expo recognizes the importance of educating potential investors. Interactive workshops are conducted to provide practical insights into various aspects of real estate investment.

Real Estate Investment Strategies

Industry experts lead workshops on effective investment strategies, considering market trends, risk management, and long-term financial planning.

Market Analysis

Workshops focus on teaching attendees how to conduct thorough market analysis, empowering them to make informed decisions based on the current real estate landscape.

Property Management

Practical sessions on property management cover topics such as tenant relations, maintenance strategies, and leveraging technology for efficient property oversight.


Invest-Gate Property Expo places strong emphasis on networking opportunities, understanding that connections play a pivotal role in the real estate industry. Networking events include:

Developer Meet-and-Greet

Exclusive sessions where attendees can meet developers personally, fostering direct relationships and allowing for detailed discussions about specific projects.

Industry Expert Panels

Facilitate panel discussions where industry experts share their experiences and insights. Attendees have the opportunity to engage with these professionals, expanding their network within the real estate sector.

Investor Roundtables

Create a platform for investors to connect with each other, share experiences, and potentially form partnerships. These roundtables can focus on specific sectors or investment strategies.


Invest-Gate Property Expo promotes interactivity through organized Q&A sessions with developers and industry leaders:

Live Audience Engagements

Allocate specific time slots during which attendees can ask questions directly to developers and industry leaders. This can take place both in-person and virtually.

Themed Q&A Panels

Organize panels centered around specific themes, allowing attendees to gain insights into various aspects of the real estate market through interactive discussions.

Audience Participation

Encourage audience participation by collecting questions in advance or during the event, creating an inclusive environment where the concerns of potential buyers and investors are addressed.







  • Booth Size 9m2 (3m x 3m) produced by Invest-Gate.
  • Logo on attendees’ name tags
  • Logo on Expo marketing materials as Official Sponsor. (Logo presence ratio 100%)
  • Social Media acknowledgment post as Official Sponsor before and after Expo.
  • Special appearance on a separate slide in sponsored Expo promo video
  • 6 self-brought Rollups at the Expo entrance.
  • Special size (Logo presence ratio 100%) and placement of official sponsor Logo on all Expo social media marketing activities
  • Special acknowledgment for official sponsor in all press releases published pre,during and post Expo in all magazines and newspapers
  • Official sponsor logo on wrap-up video posted post Expo. (Logo presence ratio 100%)
  • Special thank you post for Expo Official sponsor on all social media platforms. (Logo presence ratio 100%)
  • Special sized (Logo presence ratio 100%) and placement of official sponsor logo on Expo website
  • Speaker in Day 1 Expo Educational Talks.
  • 4 Vinyl Logo stands.
  • Dedicated Whatsapp Broadcast
  • Dedicated SMS Campaign


  • Booth Size 9m2 (3m x 3m) produced by Invest-Gate
  • Logo on attendees’ name tags
  • Logo on all Expo marketing materials as Platinum Sponsor . (Logo presence ratio 75%)
  • Logo on Expo event coverage in Invest-Gate Magazine
  • Social Media acknowledgment post before and after Expo
  • Logo in sponsored Expo promo video
  • 4 self-brought Rollups at the entrance.
  • Logo on all social media marketing activities. (Logo presence ratio 75%)
  • Special thank you post for sponsor on all social media platforms
  • Acknowledgment for Platinum Sponsor in all press releases published pre, during and post Expo in all magazines and newspapers
  • Sponsor logo on wrap-up video posted post Expo. (Logo presence ratio 75%)
  • Sponsor logo on Expo website. (Logo presence ratio 75%)
  • Speaker in Day 1 Expo Educational Talks.
  • 3 Vinyl Logo stands.
  • Dedicated Whatsapp Broadcast
  • Dedicated SMS Campaign


  • Booth Size 9m2 (3m x 3m) produced by Invest-Gate.
  • Logo on attendees’ name tags
  • Logo on all marketing materials as Expo Gold Sponsor. (Logo presence ratio 60%)
  • Social Media acknowledgment post before and after Expo
  • Logo in sponsored Expo promo video
  • 2 self-brought Rollups at the entrance.
  • Logo on all social media marketing activities. (Logo presence ratio 60%)
  • Special thank you post for sponsor on all social media platforms
  • Acknowledgment for Gold sponsor in all press releases published pre, during and post Expo in all magazines and newspapers
  • Sponsor logo on wrap-up video posted post Expo. (Logo presence ratio 60%)
  • Sponsor logo on Expo website. (Logo presence ratio 60%)
  • Speaker in Day 1 Expo Educational Talks.
  • 2 Vinyl Logo stands.
  • Dedicated Whatsapp Broadcast
  • Dedicated SMS Campaign


  • Booth Size 9m2 (3m x 3m) produced by Invest-Gate.
  • Big size logo on Registration desk back drop & front desk animated screen branding (co-branding with InvestGate)
  • Logo on attendees’ name tags
  • Logo on all marketing materials as Expo Registration Desk Sponsor. (Logo presence ratio 50%)
  • Social Media acknowledgment post before and after Expo
  • Logo in sponsored Expo promo video
  • Logo on all social media marketing activities
  • Special thank you post for sponsor on all social media platforms
  • Acknowledgment for Registration Desk sponsor in all press releases published pre, during and post Expo in all magazines and newspapers
  • Sponsor logo on wrap-up video posted post Expo. (Logo presence ratio 50%)
  • Sponsor logo on Expo website. (Logo presence ratio 50%)
  • 1 Vinyl Logo stands.
  • Dedicated Whatsapp Broadcast
  • Dedicated SMS Campaign


  • Booth Size 9m2 (3m x 3m) produced by Invest-Gate.
  • Big size logo on the attendee’s lanyards
  • Logo on attendee’s name tags with other sponsors on the back
  • Logo on all marketing materials as Name Tags Sponsor. (Logo presence ratio 50%)
  • 1 self-brought Rollup at the entrance
  • Logo on all social media marketing activities
  • Special thank you post for sponsor on all social media platforms
  • Acknowledgment for Lanyard sponsor in all press releases published pre, during and post Expo in all magazines and newspapers
  • Sponsor logo on wrap-up video posted post Expo. (Logo presence ratio 50%)
  • Sponsor logo on Expo website. (Logo presence ratio 50%)
  • 1 Vinyl Logo stands.
  • Dedicated Whatsapp Broadcast
  • Dedicated SMS Campaign


  • Booth Size 9m2 (3m x 3m) produced by Invest-Gate.
  • Big size logo on the attendee’s name tags alone on name tag front view
  • Logo on attendee’s name tags with other sponsors on the back
  • Logo on all marketing materials as Expo Name Tag Sponsor. (Logo presence ratio 50%)
  • 1 self-brought Rollup at the entrance
  • Logo on all social media marketing activities
  • Special thank you post for sponsor on all social media platforms
  • Acknowledgment for Name Tag sponsor in all press releases published pre, during and post Expo in all magazines and newspapers
  • Sponsor logo on wrap-up video posted post Expo. (Logo presence ratio 50%)
  • Sponsor logo on Expo website. (Logo presence ratio 50%)
  • 1 Vinyl Logo stands.
  • Dedicated Whatsapp Broadcast
  • Dedicated SMS Campaign


  • Booth Size 9m2 (3m x 3m) produced by Invest-Gate.
  • Logo on attendee’s name tags with other sponsors on the back
  • Logo on all marketing materials as Expo Silver Sponsor. (Logo presence ratio 50%)
  • Logo on all social media marketing activities
  • Special thank you post for sponsor on all social media platforms
  • Acknowledgment Silver sponsor in all press releases published pre, during and post Expo in all magazines and newspapers
  • Sponsor logo on wrap-up video posted post Expo. (Logo presence ratio 50%)
  • Sponsor logo on Expo website. (Logo presence ratio 50%)
  • 1 Vinyl Logo stands.
  • Dedicated Whatsapp Broadcast
  • Dedicated SMS Campaign

For Exhibition and Sponsorship inquiries, Please Contact

General Manager & BD Director

Safaa Abdel Bary



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